Thursday, January 20, 2005

We’re back in Puerto Lempira

Greetings in the name of the Most High!

We’re back in Puerto Lempira and luxuriating in the grace and blessing of the Lord. Bethany’s birthday is tomorrow and we’re planning a trip to a beach/swimming area to swim and picnic with the Grigg’s family. I hope the weather cooperates. It’s the rainy season and the days are unpredictable. Today it’s very hot and not a cloud in the sky but at anytime the wind will pick up and then a shower is upon you. If I’m in the area where there are tiendas (shops), once the wind starts to pick up speed, the Miskito people start to quicken their pace to a scurry and then you know the rain is imminent.

Believe it or not, it was good to come back to the warmer weather here. There were times we were chilled in Florida. I can’t imagine the below zero temperatures you must be experiencing. I don’t look forward to returning to that. I’m going to soak in the blessing of being able to miss this winter in Syracuse.

I was reading in Exodus, chapter 23 (in the Amp.), and it’s explaining why the Hebrews were to let their land lie fallow the seventh year and why on the seventh day they were to rest. It speaks of it being a time of rest, refreshing and release. All of these we have experienced in Honduras. I think coming here was not only a time of Jubilee for Ed, but the rest of us as well. In the book of Leviticus, chapter 25, the Jubilee is described as a time of liberty, a time to return to your family, and a time of special blessings from the Lord (vs. 10-12 and 20-22). Our family is being knit together in such a marvelous way that I’m in awe. The girls share a small bedroom all night and are together all day. They laugh, play, sing and are having a wonderful time of sister bonding together. As a family we’ve enjoyed MANY hours of conversation. The girls have asked us very detailed questions about our pasts and we’ve spent many hours talking about college, possible career choices, etc. It’s been sweet blessing. I have tears in my eyes of utter thanksgiving even as I write this. Our God does exceedingly abundantly above all we ask or think. My expectations in coming here never included all these precious benefits. All I can say is, if the Lord is leading you in a certain direction, go for it, in faith. I had no certainties from the Lord about Honduras. I came in total faith IN my Lord (“they that trust in the Lord, shall never be ashamed” was like a frontlet between my eyes) and in the faith that my husband was being lead by Him. I think of how robbed we would have been if we had succumbed to fear of the unknown. I trusted Him beyond the big potential and possibility of failure. That He, in His goodness, would not leave us nor forsake us and would pick us up and get us back on the right path if we floundered. Be encouraged saints! He is an awesome God!

We’ve also been able to spend a lot of time in His Word. I know from the scriptures that the Lord gave me in regards to my daughters (remember Is. 44:3 and 4?) The watercourse they would spring up by refers to the Word of God. I had thought that the watercourse was referring particularly to the setting in Cauquira, and when Ed decided we must move I balked because of this. But after we got settled here in Puerto Lempira the Lord made it clear to me what was meant by this verse in Isaiah. Read Ps.1 in the amplified, verses 1 through 3. The habitual meditating, pondering and studying of the teachings of God are the streams of water the tree is firmly planted by.

I pray you all are blessed in the knowledge of the Lord and growing in grace each day!

Love in Christ Jesus,
Sis. Karen and Family