Monday, July 02, 2007

Eddie's Testimonies

Those interesting in listening to Eddie's testimonies before and after his trip to Honduras can now review the links below.

Thanks to Stan Kiska for finding these files!

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Honduras Wrap-up (for now)

If you are interested in listening to the Eagan's wrap-up of their experiences in Honduras, you can listen to the Summer 2006 Update .


Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Latest Trip to honduras

Karen and I just returned from Honduras. Our timing (His) was perfect. We were able to be a blessing to many of the saints there. We enjoyed good fellowship and edification. I was able to teach the entire Book of Revelation to the prisoners from Tuesday to Friday. Yes, it was what you'd call a crash course. The best news of all is the church we attended has doubled in size, filled mostly with teens who are as excited and zealous as I have ever seen. Pastor David plans to go to two Sunday services beginning in June. If anyone would be interested in sponsoring a Christian education at the school associated with his church let me know. He and his wife had just written me a letter which they hand-delivered when they discovered I was in town, saying they could provide space for 15 kids for every $250/month in funds they receive.

Pray for Katrina and Roger as they experience the growth pains at the House of Hope which now houses over 30 kids under one roof. As some of the kids are now older teens, the usual problems between the sexes have arisen. Pray the Lord would grant them wisdom from above as they try to correct the problem.

Kevin has finally started construction of his new home near the House of Hope to the delight of his Moskito wife. He now teaches English each day the Christian school as well as continuing to serve as maintenance manager at the House of Hope.

Ray and Laurie Griggs put us up at their lovely home and we enjoyed wonderful discussions with them and their delightful kids. Pray for them as their desire is to reach out to the Berber Muslims of Algeria once they leave Honduras this year. Ray's lumber business is the verge of really taking off. Pray for the final obstacles to be overcome so that he can begin to cut, dry and export lumber while employing local workers as he teaches them the Gospel though example.

Paula and James Anthony continue to reach out to more and more people through their medical clinic. Pray for their desire to touch more lives with the love of Christ.

The needs are enormous in that whole area!

The Jewish man I asked you to pray for got saved Easter Sunday! One of the young men we've been praying for is doing "inexplicably better" according to his Dad. God answers prayer.

May His grace and peace be upon you!

Br. Ed

Friday, December 30, 2005

Second Photo Album Available

If you look to the right of the weblog you will notice that I added a second link for another photo album from the Eagan's adventure. Hope you all enjoy it.


Thursday, June 23, 2005

Update on the Celebration

As previously reported, we're planning a little shindig for the Eagan family on 2 July 2005. In the previous post, I indicated that we all should RSVP by 30 June 2005. Elaine is asking that we please RSVP by this weekend (26 June 2005) so that we can get going on food planning.

Thanks very much and God Bless,

Tuesday, June 14, 2005


Ok gang - the Eagans are back in CNY and its time for a celebration!

We plan to have a get together at the home of Sydney and Elaine DeJohn on 2 July 2005. We'll start at 1pm and finish up whenever they kick us all out. The DeJohn's live at 8007 Thyme Circle in Liverpool, NY.

If you plan to attend, we kindly ask you to bring the following:
  1. Heart to fellowship.
  2. Dish to pass. If we end up with all desserts, life is good.
  3. Lawn Chairs
  4. Guitars, bongos, or other portable instruments suitable for making a joyful sound.
A variety of grilled/bbq'd meats will be available for your dining pleasure. If you are interested in contributing to the "meat fund" please contact me.

If you are interested in attending, please RSVP to Elaine DeJohn by 30 June 2005.


Monday, May 30, 2005

Bethany's La Paoma Report

We awoke to the infamous beeping of the alarm clock at 6 A.M. After slipping hastily into our clothes, beating our black, brown, and blonde manes into submissive ponytails, and yanking on socks and shoes, we set off down the countless flights of stairs leading to the Lodge. Upon arrival, we met with our tour guide, Carlos. A 28-year-old native, he had planned to stay at La Paloma only for a few months, but soon became captivated with Corcovada National Rainforest and couldn’t tear himself away. “A lovely place to be imprisoned,” he says smiling.

The other participants of our tour group, a French couple, were already there so we set off to the dock. About 5 minutes into our 35- minute boat ride, a trio of frolicking dolphins surfaced. Seeming to sense how exciting we were at their arrival, they stayed close to our boat and entertained us with giant leaps that quickly turned into graceful dives. After a five-minute performance, they lost interest in our boat and decided to move their itinerant circus to the next audience.

The boat slowed down, as the shoreline loomed larger and we allowed the roaring waves to carry us in. We were told to jump in the water and my mother eagerly grabbed the railing being the closest to the rear. Unfortunately, a large wave was lifting the bow of the boat just as she jumped, and upon landing, was thoroughly drenched. After that, none got wet above their knees. We were told not to put our shoes back on yet for there remained two shallow streams to cross. After pausing briefly to dry our feet and slip on sneakers and socks once again, we set off.

Shortly after embarking into this total haven of greenery, we heard the distinguished cry of the howler monkeys accompanied by the gasps of excited tourists. We caught up to the group ahead of us and Carlos immediately erected a contraption that looked like a mix of binoculars and a telescope.

Howler monkeys travel in groups so we could choose any of the fifteen present to observe closely. Moving on, we came to two spider monkeys that soon turned out to be three. Carlos pointed out a little baby that was tucked into its mother’s pouch. I was shocked to learn that monkeys give birth up in the trees. They grasp a branch with their tail and one leg and
then catch the baby with the other leg! After enjoying this spectacle for a few minutes with Carlos stocking our head full of information, a guide came running back to tell us a large snake was up ahead and to come before it left.

As mom said “it was the first actually beautiful snake I’ve ever seen.” It was light pink with slightly lighter and darker patches of pink speckled down its spine. Carlos pointed to an unfortunate pygmy squirrel who was grooming itself on the branch above. As we moved on, it was startling to see how Carlos could pick out tiny animals that blended absolutely perfectly with their surrounding. Even with a stick pointed only an inch from its head, it wasn’t till it the tree frog jumped did we nod our head in agreement to his question, “Do you see it Now?”

We came across many brigades of leaf cutter ants that went as far as the eye could see. Amazingly, ants are completely blind! They follow paths laden with formic acid left by the scouts and simple trust their antennas to lead them home. To prove his point, he rubbed a strongly scented sun block in the middle of an industrious line. Just as he had said, the ants wondered
aimlessly in all directions now that their sole “compass was erased”. Nothing exceptional happened in the last stage of our trek toward the small brook. Upon reaching it, we rested for a while and watched various types of birds and their young. On the way back however, we saw a sloth- a gray one at that. Carlos said that some are greenish colored because of the fungus that grows on this almost stationary animal. He spouted off some amazing facts about the sloth that seem almost impossible. They can sleep for a week; it takes them a week to go down one tree; and, upon reaching the ground, is the only time they excrete refuse for the next seven days. We
spotted but one more unusual animal on the way to the waterfall/ swimming whole after we had reached the beach where we had landed. I have forgotten the Spanish name so a brief description will suffice. It was a little bit larger than a rabbit, had the head of a squirrel, and the tail of a rat. It is the largest rodent in the world. Though seemingly hesitant and with his
nose in the air, he stayed next to us for a while and allowed us all to get a good look. Because I have never heard of nor seen or, for that matter, even known existed such an animal, it was my favorite of the tour.

After the suffocating humidity, all of us headed straight to the pool and had a heavenly relaxation time in the shade. Back in Puerto Lempira though, I’m having a hard time conjuring up the image of a paradise-like pool. Hopefully Syracuse will seem cooler even though it does have its hot days. Hope to see you soon!