Latest Trip to honduras
Karen and I just returned from Honduras. Our timing (His) was perfect. We were able to be a blessing to many of the saints there. We enjoyed good fellowship and edification. I was able to teach the entire Book of Revelation to the prisoners from Tuesday to Friday. Yes, it was what you'd call a crash course. The best news of all is the church we attended has doubled in size, filled mostly with teens who are as excited and zealous as I have ever seen. Pastor David plans to go to two Sunday services beginning in June. If anyone would be interested in sponsoring a Christian education at the school associated with his church let me know. He and his wife had just written me a letter which they hand-delivered when they discovered I was in town, saying they could provide space for 15 kids for every $250/month in funds they receive.
Pray for Katrina and Roger as they experience the growth pains at the House of Hope which now houses over 30 kids under one roof. As some of the kids are now older teens, the usual problems between the sexes have arisen. Pray the Lord would grant them wisdom from above as they try to correct the problem.
Kevin has finally started construction of his new home near the House of Hope to the delight of his Moskito wife. He now teaches English each day the Christian school as well as continuing to serve as maintenance manager at the House of Hope.
Ray and Laurie Griggs put us up at their lovely home and we enjoyed wonderful discussions with them and their delightful kids. Pray for them as their desire is to reach out to the Berber Muslims of Algeria once they leave Honduras this year. Ray's lumber business is the verge of really taking off. Pray for the final obstacles to be overcome so that he can begin to cut, dry and export lumber while employing local workers as he teaches them the Gospel though example.
Paula and James Anthony continue to reach out to more and more people through their medical clinic. Pray for their desire to touch more lives with the love of Christ.
The needs are enormous in that whole area!
The Jewish man I asked you to pray for got saved Easter Sunday! One of the young men we've been praying for is doing "inexplicably better" according to his Dad. God answers prayer.
May His grace and peace be upon you!
Br. Ed
Pray for Katrina and Roger as they experience the growth pains at the House of Hope which now houses over 30 kids under one roof. As some of the kids are now older teens, the usual problems between the sexes have arisen. Pray the Lord would grant them wisdom from above as they try to correct the problem.
Kevin has finally started construction of his new home near the House of Hope to the delight of his Moskito wife. He now teaches English each day the Christian school as well as continuing to serve as maintenance manager at the House of Hope.
Ray and Laurie Griggs put us up at their lovely home and we enjoyed wonderful discussions with them and their delightful kids. Pray for them as their desire is to reach out to the Berber Muslims of Algeria once they leave Honduras this year. Ray's lumber business is the verge of really taking off. Pray for the final obstacles to be overcome so that he can begin to cut, dry and export lumber while employing local workers as he teaches them the Gospel though example.
Paula and James Anthony continue to reach out to more and more people through their medical clinic. Pray for their desire to touch more lives with the love of Christ.
The needs are enormous in that whole area!
The Jewish man I asked you to pray for got saved Easter Sunday! One of the young men we've been praying for is doing "inexplicably better" according to his Dad. God answers prayer.
May His grace and peace be upon you!
Br. Ed