Thursday, June 23, 2005

Update on the Celebration

As previously reported, we're planning a little shindig for the Eagan family on 2 July 2005. In the previous post, I indicated that we all should RSVP by 30 June 2005. Elaine is asking that we please RSVP by this weekend (26 June 2005) so that we can get going on food planning.

Thanks very much and God Bless,

Tuesday, June 14, 2005


Ok gang - the Eagans are back in CNY and its time for a celebration!

We plan to have a get together at the home of Sydney and Elaine DeJohn on 2 July 2005. We'll start at 1pm and finish up whenever they kick us all out. The DeJohn's live at 8007 Thyme Circle in Liverpool, NY.

If you plan to attend, we kindly ask you to bring the following:
  1. Heart to fellowship.
  2. Dish to pass. If we end up with all desserts, life is good.
  3. Lawn Chairs
  4. Guitars, bongos, or other portable instruments suitable for making a joyful sound.
A variety of grilled/bbq'd meats will be available for your dining pleasure. If you are interested in contributing to the "meat fund" please contact me.

If you are interested in attending, please RSVP to Elaine DeJohn by 30 June 2005.
